Animated Movies and Tales Tarot
Animated Movie and Fairytale Character Tarot Cards.
Tarot cards are inspired by Walt Disney's animated films and fairy tales. Tarot cards, illustrated with fairy tale characters, use familiar stories and characters to represent the meaning and symbolism of traditional tarot cards. Fairy tales, with their symbolic and mythical stories, offer a rich visual and emotional context that deepens the cards' messages. These cards help you understand deeper life lessons and spiritual messages through fairy tale elements that inspire and stimulate the imagination. Suitable for both beginners and advanced tarot users, they offer a new and creative way to access intuitive wisdom.
The tarot set includes:
- 78 tarot cards
- E-book with card interpretation
- Cloth bag
Tarot cards are in English. Printed cards have rounded corners.
An e-brochure with detailed tarot explanations will be sent by e-mail.